Forncett St Peter CEVA Primary School

Christian Vision

Our Vision

We aspire for all individuals to grow as children of God, to be the best they can be. We want children to have respect for themselves and each other, along with a wonder and curiosity for God’s creation.

Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Matthew 22:39

Our Christian vision reflects the ambition of the school community to care for others and achieve excellence.

Why is this vision unique to our school?

Our aspirations for individuals to grow as children of God is not only for members of the school community but also the wider community by supporting them to be the best they can be. As a Church School we embrace Christianity. We welcome and are inclusive of all and believe that the school’s vision is inclusive for all beliefs. The children and adults often refer to being part of a family with all individuals working together in unity to be the best that we can be.

Our vision instils a respect for self and each other which drives a want to care for everyone through service. Our pupils develop an interest in being ambassadors for change. The building blocks of our curriculum give pupils the opportunity to become aware of both local and global issues. The school values, embedded throughout school life, give pupils a moral compass for critical thinking, informative discussion and the ability to make judgments. They are inspired to act when they recognise the need for change.

Our aim is to foster intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development. We feel it is important for the children to be inspired by possibilities and experiences beyond their everyday, opened to them through hard work, self-belief and resilience. We want our children to confidently communicate with other people, developing a sense of citizenship for the school and the wider community.

We equip learners with the skills to achieve success. Throughout this process we support, build and develop far reaching relationships across the community.